Sunday, March 02, 2008

Join the forum and get interactive!

Hello again!

It's Sunday morning and I'm at work preparing for a big trial tomorrow. I'm rewarding myself with a break... the way you do....

Please let me encourage as many of you as possible to join my forum at podcastmatters - you can get to the link by pressing here or accessing the address by copying and pasting this link:

I would really love to get the site moving with as many folks joining in the discussions as possible.

Hopefully I'll see you there!

Do remember you can follow me on twitter as paulnicholls.

I quite like the idea of social media when it works. When it's abused and intrusive I don't like it - Facebook and MySpace both seem to suffer from all sorts of rubbish that I can't be bothered to filter.

Twitter seems to be a great site that has held my interest for around six months - and something I visit regularly. I'm into my fourth year of blogging and podcasting and there seems to be no prospect of my interest fading in that. Friends Reunited has been the longest social network I've been involved with, I even set up a couple of reunions with old mates at school that were pretty well attended. Seesmic, the video blogging site seems to be a thriving network that I daren't get involved with, I know I'll get addicted and have even less time on my hands!

What social network sites do you have a view on? What are the pros and cons of social networking?

Any recommendations? Anything to stay away from?

comment here or send a mail to paul (squiggly 'a') podcastpaul [dot] com

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