Saturday, April 22, 2006

podcast107 ...and I said oo to the woman with the deformed ears...

Download MP3 here

And I said oo to the woman with the deformed ears... Regular(ish) listeners will understand virtually immediately, others will be completely and utterly foxed.

A usual helping of the best music you won't find on your radio..and some well weird chat (all completely squeaky clean, don't worry!)

Music from:

Tom Robinson - War Baby

Karmyn Tyler - Amazing Grace (Live)

Simon Apple - Significance

Simon Apple - Hold me like a lover


Parkylondon said...

-begin stirring things up-
Let Sue have the podcastpaul show for an episode! Podcastsue.... It's got a nice ring to it eh?
-end stirring things up-

Also, which one is Sue's ear? LOL

In any event it's about time you bought her some decent headphones...

Anonymous said...

Hey Paul,
Thanks for playing my live version of Amazing Grace. I really appreciate your kind comments. You are very sweet. I enjoyed your show very much
karmyn tyler

Anonymous said...

Just listened to you and Sue's latest podcast (like I do), but cringed when you said, "whenever women talk they talk absolute cobblers!".