Sunday, October 30, 2005

On the eve of travel

It's Sunday evening and I feel dreadful, really awful. I've had flu pretty badly over the last few days and lost stacks of weight as I've eaten nothing. I've got the shivers all over but sweating nonsense complete with horrendous headaches and aches all over.

I'm hoping things let up a bit, as I have a three hour drive to Gatwick (probably more because of the rush hour traffic), an 11 hour flight to Joannesburg, and a four / five hour drive into Swaziland. Oh - I'm also in the office tomorrow too... that after having one a good few hours today at home.

Let's hope next week brings a real peaceful, informative and challenging time eh? I'm sure that being a bit busy with work and having a touc of flu would be an easy exchange for some of the folks I'm likely to meet.

Swaziland is such a tiny place - about as big as South Wales with just over 1,200 000 inhabitants. The culture is waaaaay diferent and I'm desperate to see this.

Everything checked, double and triple checked - as always happens, I've just lost a filling (typical!) and my camera broke - I ordered a new one and it hasn't arrived yet - talk about cutting things to the wire!

I'm seriously hoping for an internet connection so I can at least blog - I will be recording too, promise you!


Speak to you next when I'm there!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the trip matey.

All the best


podcastpaul said...

Cheers matey, just waiting for my lift!